World Heart Day (September 29th)
Quick facts When is it? Every September 29th What's the official website? Tagged as Body & Health Charity Life & Living What's the hashtag? #WorldHeartDay When was it founded? 2000 Who founded it? World Heart Federation Have we missed something? Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating Health y – all in the name of keeping your ticker in good working order, and improving the Health and well being of people the world over. Learn about World Heart Day The World Heart Federation have found that heart disease and strokes are the world’s leading cause of death, killing 17.1 million people every year – that’s more than victims of cancer, HIV and AIDS and malaria. Overeating, lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and high blood pressure, cholesterol a...