Burn with Kearns: Resistance is not futile – Kevin Kearns
By Kevin Kearns, contributing writer on fitness and exercise
Now this may sound like a line from “Star Trek”, which it is, and it applies here as well. When I speak about resistance, I’m talking about resistance band training. Years ago, I thought resistance bands were for little old ladies. Little did I realize that any exercise that you perform in the gym can be done with a resistance band. That is just a small part of why these little gems are so perfect for MMA, and any other sport. Here are some of the many benefits of resistance bands.
- Mimics a wide variety of skills and drills for MMA
- Portable and affordable
- Wide range of variety of bands from tubing to double thick adjustable
- Can be paired up with many other pieces of equipment
- The angle of the resistance forces the core to work harder and smarter
I could talk for a lot more on the benefits of resistance bands but let’s get into some of the workouts. We are going to use a combo of double thick bands (superbands), bands with handles, and covered resistance bands ropes.
Super band MMA workout
30 seconds of work with 15 seconds rest of each drills for 1-3 rounds
- Sprawls – with the super band wrapped around your waist and some tension going forward drop down into a sprawl and then pop back up.
- Super band shoots- with the band wrapped around your waist lunge in as if you were going for a single leg or double leg take down.
- Super band sprints – with the band wrapped around your waist and tension going forward spring in place.
- Super band bear crawls – with the band wrapped around your waist get down on all fours. Now crawl forward as far as you can.
Resistance bands with handles
30 seconds of work with 15 seconds rest of each drill for 1-3 rounds
- Band punches – facing forward in a fighting stance begin by alternating punching in place
- Smack downs – facing the bands with the band at head height bring the bands down from right side to left side of your hips as if you’re doing a Thai clinch.
- Band upper cuts – with the bands in a low position start by alternating uppercuts from right side to left side
- Elbows in the guard – lying on the floor in a guard position take the band behind your head. Now bring the band down leading with the elbow between the legs.
Covered resistance band ropes (Stroops)
1 minute in 30 seconds of for 1-3 rounds
- Pummels – holding the bands in each hand, mimic alternating your arms up and down.
- Judo toss – holding one side of the band in each hand explosively rotate as your rotate the bands to shoulder height from side to side .
- Jumping jacks – with handle in each hand perform jumps jacks
- Double smash – with handles in each hand explosively raise the bands up and smash them down on the floor.
So, there you have it. With all the different variety in bands the amount of drills is endless.
Coach Kearns – BurnWithKearns.com – Direct: 508 404 8503

Both of Coach Kearns’ books may be purchased on www.Amazon.com. For more information about Coach Kevin Kearns, including scheduling speaking engagements and classes (both online and in person), please contact him at 508-404-8503 or Kevin@burnwithkearns.com.
Author of “There’s Light In The Tunnel” How to Survive and Thrive with Depression – “Always Picked Last“ A guide to navigating bullies on Amazon and Audible
Coach Kevin Kearns has been coaching in the world of fitness, nutrition, and tactical self defense for over 3 decades. As the former conditioning coach to 15 UFC Pro Fighters, and ranked in the Top 5 in the UFC , he is no stranger to the the importance of proper nutrition and proper mindset programming. He has long advocated to all his clients – athletes or the general population – about the importance of programming mind, body and spirit.
Coach Kevin Kearns BS FMS CPT – Former conditioning coach to 15 UFC Pros Ranked in Top 5 by the UFC Personal Fitness Coach, Author, Columnist, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Wellness Consultant, Youth Wellness Program Provider, Certification Specialist, Personal Self Defense, and Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Specialist Www.BurnWithKearns.com.
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